1. Typescript Journey - Intro

Series Posts


I have been a .net developer for over 20 years and mostly worked on Microsoft based systems in that time. As I moved to the Cloud, especially AWS, I started to work more on linux systems and then not even caring what that underlying system was. Even as .net moved from Framework to Core it got easier to run on multiple systems, but at the end of the day it is a compilied language.

As I started to get more into IaC(Infrastructure as Code), the fact that I needed to specify the path to my dll in my IaC program seemed off to me. So I wanted to look for a language that was similiar to C#, but also didn’t have the complitation issues. It also could be used on the backend, frontend and used to write IaC.

So I landed on Typescript.

I also noticed that it is now the most popular language TypeScript is the new top Programming Language

What is my path?

Use Visual Studio Code to write, debug, test and run Typescript applications.

What I will document

  • Components that need to be installed to run Typescript
  • VSCode extensions that help with Typescript dev
  • How to debug a typescript applications
  • Different frontend frameworks
  • Testing with Typescript
  • Using Typescript to write IaC code
  • Create AWS Lambda API with IaC and Typescript code in one
  • Develop Application fully in Typescript and run it on AWS Amplify or Azure Static Web Apps


2. Typescript Journey - Setup
